Membership Information

League Play:

You can curl in the league(s) or draw(s) for which you signed up and paid your membership


You can spare in any draw for which you are eligible. 

Practice Ice:

Practice ice sheets are sometimes available throughout the week. Schedules will be posted on the club bulletin boards. 


Opportunities for curling instruction and refresher clinics. You choose traditional slide delivery or stick delivery, or try both. 

Bonspiels and OCA Competitions:

You are entitled to enter any bonspiel or competition you choose in our club, or any other club or association, provided you comply with the rules of entry.  Information on bonspiels and competitions can be found on club bulletin boards and/or on the website.

Social Events and Club Bonspiels:

You can participate in all club social events and Club Bonspiels for which you are eligible for the nominal fee charged for those specific events. Eligibility is usually posted with the event sign up. These are really fun events and give you an opportunity to get to know members who may not curl in your league. We encourage participation in these events.  Check the bulletin boards and website regularly as new events are posted throughout the season.


All members are encouraged to support the club by volunteering.  Bobcaygeon Curling Club is run by the generosity and dedication of its volunteers.  There are many areas where your expertise is welcomed and we encourage you to speak with any board member about volunteer opportunities.  Information will be available on the website and on the club bulletin boards throughout the season. We are able to maintain our low membership fees based on the assumption that each and every member will volunteer at least once throughout the year. 


Curling Fees for the 2024-25 Season

Full Membership:  $500 (includes HST). Full Membership is a voting membership that provides the opportunity to curl as much and as often as you would like in any of our leagues (except Thursday Night Open) at no additional charge. You are also eligible to participate in any in-house bonspiels and OCA events.  The membership fee of $500 includes HST, membership in CurlOn (Ontario Curling Association), and a capital assessment of $65.

Full Membership – New Member Special:  $380 (includes HST)  If you have never been a member of the Bobcaygeon Curling Club before, your first-year fee is discounted.  You will have all the same privileges as the Full Membership. The membership fee of $380 includes HST membership in CurlOn and a capital assessment of $65.

Adult Limited Membership:  $375 (includes HST) This non-voting limited membership allows you to curl once a week in any daytime league, and once a week in any evening league (except Two on Two leagues or Thursday Night Open)  Limited members are eligible to spare in their leagues only, are not CurlOn members, so cannot curl in OCA events, but are eligible to play in in-club or invitational bonspiels.  The membership fee of $375 includes HST and capital assessment.

One Daytime Curling Membership:  $200 (includes HST)  Daytime only Curling is a non-voting limited membership that allows participation in one daytime curling league (except Two on Two leagues).  Daytime Curling members are eligible to spare in their league only, are not CurlOn members so cannot curl in OCA events, but are eligible to play in in-club or invitational bonspiels.   The membership fee of $200 includes HST and capital assessment.

Evening Curling Membership:  $175 (1 Evening) (includes HST) - $250 (2 Evenings) (includes HST).   Evening only Curling is a non-voting limited membership that allows participation in evening curling leagues (except Two on Two and Thursday Night Open), and are not CurlOn members, so cannot curl in OCA events, but are eligible to play in in-club or invitational bonspiels.  Evening Member Fees are as follows:  One evening per week: $175, Two evenings per week:  $250 includes HST and capital assessment.

Junior Memberships (Youth Program):  $25 (includes HST).  Youth curling is a non-voting membership offered only to those who are 12 to 19 years old as of July 01, 2024.  At this time, we have no specific youth programs, however, youth may register to curl in our regular adult programs, except Thursday Night Open.  Please note that all participants in youth curling who are under the age of 18 are subject to BCC's helmet policy and must wear a CSA approved helmet.

Non-Curling Social Membership:  $25 (includes HST).  Social events and activities occur throughout the year.  By joining as a Social Member you will receive regular email communications that will keep you informed and updated.

Locker Rental:  $15 (includes HST).  There are both Men and Women's locker facilities.  


Member Login

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Upcoming Events

  • Feb
    Charity Cares Bonspiel
    04:30 PM
  • Mar
    Ladies 4-Town Bonspiel
    08:00 AM
  • Mar
    Purdy's Bonspiel - Ladies
    09:00 AM
  • Mar
    Championship Day & Closing Cocktail event
    10:00 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact, Map & Follow Us

Bobcaygeon Curling Club & Recreational Facility
49 Mansfield St.
Bobcaygeon, Ontario, K0M 1A0

Email: [email protected]
Call: 705-731-1118

Map to Club




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