
The Bobcaygeon Curling Club is proud to offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re young, old or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.

Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.

This league accommodates players with skill levels from beginner to experienced. In TAG curling, teams are formed each session depending on which players attend and the position players wish to play. Unlike the Social Leagues, there is no weekly commitment so if you are unable to curl you do not have to find a spare.  You simply sign up for this session and play whenever you are able. This league provides an opportunity to try different positions, or hone your skills in your present position in a friendly, fun environment.

 Convenor:  Jerry Mous

Women's Team Entry is a competitive league in which players form their own team for the full curling season. Teams play two round-robin schedules over the season.  Game times alternate weekly.  Please contact the league Convenor to register a team, or if you are interested in joining a team or to be on the "Spares List". 

Convenor:  Maureen Lytle 

2 on 2 is a fast paced twist on traditional curling. This is an enjoyable fun league with teams consisting of 2 players, men, women or mixed.  Each game is 6 ends and each team plays 6 rocks per end.  Players do not change ends so there is very little walking, and sweeping is only allowed on your partner’s rock from the hog line in.  Games take about 50 minutes. Sign up your team of 2 members.  Single members interested in playing should contact the Director of Curling to find out other players looking to form a team. 

Convenors: Bob and Barb Hetherington 

This is our morning Men's Social League with structured teams, made up of experienced and novice curlers. Teams are formed by the convenors and play three 7 game sessions of  “round robin” curling.  After each session is completed, teams are redrawn for the next session. New curlers are encouraged to sign up as this league offers them the opportunity to play and learn from experienced curlers, who are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to them. This team environment will enhance the development of new curlers and offer them the opportunity to meet many of our club members.

Convenors : John Tremblay and David Kemp

This is our afternoon Men's Social League with structured teams, made up with experienced and novice curlers. Teams are formed by the convenors and play three 7 game  sessions of  “round robin” curling.  After each session is completed, teams are redrawn for the next session. New curlers are encouraged to sign up as this league offers them the opportunity to play and learn from experienced curlers, who are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to them. This team environment will enhance the development of new curlers and offer them the opportunity to meet many of our club members. 

Convenor: Trevor Trotter  

Session 1 - Oct 29- Dec 10
Session 2 - Dec 17- Feb 4
Session 3 - Feb 11-March 18

The Women's Day Social league offers a structured team and schedule format for all skill levels in a non-competitive environment focused on fun.  Teams are formed by the convenors to play a "round robin" schedule with players changing teams after each session. Game time alternates weekly.  Members should advise their Skip if the cannot play and find a spare to replace them from the list of spares for this league. Playoffs will be held to determine the overall winner. 

New members are encouraged to sign up for this league which offers the opportunity to meet other members and experience working together as teammates. Experienced players are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to new members to enhance their development and overall curling experience.

Convenors:  Nancy Bramley, Alison Williams and Julie Williams

This league accomodates skill levels from beginner to experienced. In TAG curling, teams are formed each session by the convenor, based on which players attend and the position they wish to play. Teams can be formed with all men, or women or mixed. Unlike the Social Leagues, there is no weekly commitment so if you are unable to curl you do not have to find a spare.  You simply sign up for this league and play whenever you are able. This league provides an opportunity to try different positions, or hone your skills in your present position in a friendly, fun environment.

Convenor:  David Eady 

2 on 2 is a fast paced twist on traditional curling. This is an enjoyable fun league with teams consisting of 2 players, men, women or mixed.  Each game is 6 ends and each team plays 6 rocks per end.  Players do not change ends so there is very little walking, and sweeping is only allowed on your partner’s rock from the hog line in. Games take about 50 minutes. Sign up your team of 2 members.  Single members interested in playing should contact the Director of Curling to find out other players looking to form a team. 

Convenors: Bob and Barb Hetherington 

Men's Team Entry is a competitive league in which players form their own team for the full curling season. The league has two draws on Thursday’s starting at 8:30 am or 11:00 am, and teams alternate weekly between these times.  Teams play a 'round robin" schedule over the seaon. Playoffs will determine the finalists for Championship Day.  NOTE: Contact the league convenor to advise him of your team, or if you want to be put on the "Spares List". Players wishing to join the league should contact the convenor who will advise them of others interested in playing so they can form their own team.

Convenor: Wayne Shea 

This league accommodates players with skill levels from beginner to experienced. In TAG curling, teams are formed each session depending on which players attend and the position players wish to play. Unlike the Social Leagues, there is no weekly commitment so if you are unable to curl you do not have to find a spare.  You simply sign up for this session and play whenever you are able. This league provides an opportunity to try different positions, or hone your skills in your present position in a friendly, fun environment.

Convenors: Nancy Harrison and Jackie Spencer  

2 on 2 is a fast paced twist on traditional curling. This is an enjoyable fun league with teams consisting of 2 players, men, women or mixed.  Each game is 6 ends and each team plays 6 rocks per end.  Players do not change ends so there is very little walking, and sweeping is only allowed on your partner’s rock from the hog line in. Games take about 50 minutes. Sign up your team of 2 members.  Single members interested in playing should contact the Director of Curling to find out other players looking to form a team.

Convenors: Bob and Barb Hetherington 

2 on 2 is a fast paced twist on traditional curling. This is an enjoyable fun league with teams consisting of 2 players, men, women or mixed.  Each game is 6 ends and each team plays 6 rocks per end.  Players do not change ends so there is very little walking, and sweeping is only allowed on your partner’s rock from the hog line in. Games take about 50 minutes. Sign up your team of 2 members.  Single members interested in playing should contact the Director of Curling to find out other players looking to form a team.

Convenors: Bob and Barb Hetherington 

All our mixed leagues are house leagues, accommodating skill levels from beginner to experienced, in a fun, friendly environment and provide an excellent opportunity to meet and socialize with other members of the club. Teams can be any combination of men or women, but for teams that require four players we endeavour to have an even number of men and women.  You do not need a spouse/partner to sign up.  Teams are formed by the Convenor to play a series of ‘round robin’ type of schedule with players changing teams each series. If a player cannot make a game then they would find a "Spare" to replace them that week from the Club list of spares for their league.  Playoffs will be held to determine the overall league winning team.  

 Convenors:  Pam Roberts and Rick Powers

This evening league offers a structured team and schedule format for all skill levels, in a non-competitive environment focused on fun.  Teams are formed by the convenor to play a round robin type of schedule with players changing teams each session.  Players who cannot attend, find a spare to replace them that week from the list of spares provided on our website.  Playoffs are held to determine the overall winner of the league.

New curlers are encouraged to join this league. It offers the opportunity to play and learn from experienced players, who are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to new curlers to assist their development and overall curling experience.  

Convenor:  Ron Gardiner 

The Women's Evening Social League offers a structured team and schedule format for all skill levels, in a non-competitive, social environment focused on fun.  Teams are formed by the convenor to play a ‘round robin’ schedule with players changing teams after each session. If a player cannot make a week, then they would find a ‘spare’ to replace them that week from the Club list of spares for each league. Playoffs will be held to determine the overall winner.

New curlers are particularly encouraged to sign up as this league offers an excellent opportunity to experience working together as regular teammates and get to know each other better. Experienced players are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to new curlers to enhance their development and overall curling experience.  

 Convenor:    Maureen Lytle

This mixed league accommodates skill levels from beginner to experienced in a fun, friendly environment and provides an opportunity to meet and socialize with other members of the club. Teams can be any combination of men or women, and convenors endeavour to balance the experience level and number of women and men on each team. You do not need a spouse/partner to sign up. Teams are formed by the convenors to play a series of ‘round robin’ games. After each session, new teams are formed by the convenors. If a player cannot make a game, they should find a ‘spare’ to replace them from the Club list of spares for each league. Playoffs for each league will be held to determine the overall winner.

Convenors:  Tammy Gout, Karen Hill

All our mixed leagues are house leagues, accommodating skill levels from beginner to experienced, in a fun, friendly environment and provide an excellent opportunity to meet and socialize with other members of the club. Teams can be any combination of men or women, but for teams that require four players it is endeavoured to have an even number of men and women. You do not need a spouse/partner to sign up.  Teams are formed by the convenor to play a series of ‘round robin’ type of schedule with players changing teams each series. If a player cannot make a week, then they would find a ‘spare’ to replace them that week from the Club list of spares for each league. Playoffs for each league may be held to determine the overall winner.

Convenor:   Keith Hearst


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Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    Purdy's Bonspiel - Ladies
    09:00 AM
  • Mar
    Spring Dance
    08:00 PM
  • Mar
    Championship Day & Closing Cocktail event
    10:00 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact, Map & Follow Us

Bobcaygeon Curling Club & Recreational Facility
49 Mansfield St.
Bobcaygeon, Ontario, K0M 1A0

Email: [email protected]
Call: 705-731-1118

Map to Club




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