Learn to Curl

Bobcaygeon Curling Club’s Learn to Curl Program


If you are interested in curling and want to see what it's all about, our Learn to Curl program is perfect for you!

The learn to curl program will teach you the basics: sliding or stick delivery of the rock, sweeping, game etiquette, basic strategy, and on ice safety. 

The Bobcaygeon Curling Club supplies all the equipment you need for your introduction to curling. Bring a pair of clean indoor gym shoes and an extra jacket.  


Let us introduce you to the great sport of curling

It's a Social Sport
Curling is a very social activity, out on the ice and back in the lounge after the game. Weekly league play as well as bonspiels and other special events during the season provide Club members the opportunity to meet up with old friends as well as make many new ones.

It's a form of Manageable Exercise
Curling is as much exercise as you want it to be. It can be a way to develop and maintain your flexibility or it can be a great physical workout ---- it‘s your choice!

There are no Age Limitations
Curling is an activity that you can enjoy throughout your entire life and ---- it’s never too late to start!

It's Easy to Learn
The Bobcaygeon Curling Club provides teaching by certified instructors for all members through various curling clinics.

There are many Levels of Challenge
The game of curling can present as much or as little challenge and competition as you are looking for. From weekly league play to high-caliber competition with a regular host of planned social events, the Bobcaygeon Curling Club has it all!

Upon finishing your curling instruction you will be able to apply your new curling skills in a social league great for new curlers. Our social leagues are focused on fun!

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Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    Purdy's Bonspiel - Ladies
    09:00 AM
  • Mar
    Spring Dance
    08:00 PM
  • Mar
    Championship Day & Closing Cocktail event
    10:00 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact, Map & Follow Us

Bobcaygeon Curling Club & Recreational Facility
49 Mansfield St.
Bobcaygeon, Ontario, K0M 1A0

Email: [email protected]
Call: 705-731-1118

Map to Club




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